one row vs two rows
When it comes to applying NBR extensions there are a few options when it comes to the application. Typically most clients are going to need two rows for length and fullness but in some cases one row or one row and a mini can do the trick. But because everyone’s desired look is different and overall their hair density, texture, length and overall quality ( damaged or not damaged) so it’s not a one size fits all kind of situation.
I have now tried both options, I started with two rows and as my hair has grown longer I decided to try to just one. I honestly do really like both options for myself but being a hairstylist makes me kinda want all hair - meaning I think I prefer two rows. It’s been nice for the summer time to have a more manageable amount of hair though.
Like I said before how many rows each person needs is different based on their overall goals and hair quality. On each row a number of wefts are creatively placed to give you a natural and seamless look. For some people a more minimal amount of hair can be used to keep a more skinny hair look but you still may need two rows for blending. We DO NOT want the extension look, we DO want the natural seamless look. Some people will have lots of density but want longer hair, we cannot necessarily go for long skinny hair. Multiple wefts will be used on more then likely two rows and possibly two rows and a mini.
What the heck is a mini ?
A mini row allows for better blending, it does not affect the overall length but can allow for more length to be maintained. I professionally like the mini for some people so that it’s less challenging to style their hair because of where it’s placed and allows for a better visual blend as well.
Depending on your hair one row ( and possibly a mini ) is typically for fullness and minimal length. And two rows is for fullness and lots more length. Below are images of several clients listed with the number of rows that have been used. Overall the number of wefts placed per row varies person to person and is determined during your application.