the ultimate hand-tied extension wash day routine

Woman at sink with a towel around her head.

Whether you're an extension rookie or a seasoned pro, we've all got that love-hate relationship with wash day. It's the ritual we both dread and secretly relish, right? And let's be real – nailing the wash routine is key to keeping those extensions on point and safeguarding your hair investment.

Now, if you've ever wondered about the proper way to shower your extensions with love, wonder no more. We've got your back, babe. Here's our go-to guide for washing your hand-tied extensions and making the most out of your wash day routine.

Step One: Brush It Out, Boo
Let's kick things off with a golden rule – brushing is your BFF. Tangles and knots, be gone!

Use a wet brush or a special extension brush and work through your locks before you hit the shower. Section and brush in-between your rows by holding your extensions at the base to avoid pulling.

Never brush directly at your scalp as this can cause snagging at the base of your extensions.

Step Two: Section, Section, Section
Remember how you mastered the art of sectioning for the brush party? Time to put those skills to use again. Before hopping in the shower, section your extensions row by row, starting from the bottom and working your way up.

For those rocking more than one row, claw clips will be your ultimate wingman in keeping your sections separated when shampooing.


Step Three: Suds and Shine, Sulfate-Free Style
Using sulfate and paraben free products, start at the nape of your neck and work your way up. Focus on washing your scalp by washing between your wefts (this may be harder if you recently had your hair lifted).

Before adding more shampoo, add water to work through the ends. We recommend washing your scalp twice, but not your ends.

For those with product build-up concerns, consider using a clarifying shampoo every two weeks to eliminate build up and minerals.

Step Four: Condition Like a Pro

Ring out any excess water before applying your conditioner and really focus on keeping the conditioner from the ears down and around the face-framing pieces.

Avoid the conditioning your scalp where your extension base is – remember, we're nourishing, not suffocating. Rinse well and in sections, starting with the bottom row (are you sensing a pattern?) and working your way up.

 We recommend using a conditioning mask once a week to keep your hair moisturized and nourished. Check out our lists of favorite products from Mr. Smith to help protect your hair.  

Pro Tip: Stick to wash days 1-3 times a week to keep those locks fresh and fabulous. And hey, we're always here for your questions so reach out if you need help.

Happy washing, beauties! Catch you in our chairs soon.


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