hair loss + your options

Women's hair with hair loss at temple.

Women’s hair loss. This has been a topic we’ve been wanting to cover for a while here at LB Extensions. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, 40 percent of women have visible hair loss by the age of 40.

And there can be a variety of different factors behind hair loss – from hormone imbalances and genetics to medical conditions or stress. Regardless of the reason, hair loss can be a frustrating and isolating path to walk on.

We want you to know you don’t have to walk that path alone.

So let’s get started, gorgeous. Sit back and let’s have an honest conversation about hair loss and your options to get your confidence back.  

Understanding the Hair Loss – Shedding vs Hair Loss

Before we dive into your options, let’s talk about the differences between hair shedding and loss. Whether you’ve noticed more hairs on your pillow morning or had to clean your brushes more than normal, it’s easy to jump to conclusions that you’re experiencing hair loss.

Deep breath. You could be shedding more hair than normal. And according to the American Academy of Dermatology, there is a difference between excessive hair shedding and hair loss.

Hair Shedding 101

It’s normal to shed between to 50-100 hairs a day and when the body sheds significantly more hairs every day, they may have excessive hair shedding. What can lead to excessive hair shedding, well, quite a bit …

  • Weight loss of 20+ pounds

  • Given birth

  • Experiencing high amounts of stress (caring for a loved one who is sick, going through a divorce, losing a job … )

  • Recently undergone an operation

  • Recovering from an illness, especially if it included high fever

  • Birth-control pills cessation

This excessive hair shedding can occur a few months after a stressful event, but is typically temporary, righting itself within six to nine months. That said, there are instances when excessive hair shedding can be long lived – with certain people experiencing long-term excessive hair shedding if they are constantly under prolonged stress.

Hair Loss 101

Hair loss is a bit of a different beast and occurs when something stops your hair from growing. Most common causes for hair loss include:

  • Hereditary hair loss

  • Immune System complications

  • A few prescription drugs and medical treatments

  • Hairstyles that pull on the hair

  • Harsh hair-care products

  • Compulsions that cause one to pull hair

The most striking difference between hair loss and excessive hair shedding is your hair will not grow until the cause stops.

What should I do if I’m experiencing excessive shedding or hair loss?

Meet with a dermatologist or your doctor to diagnose and categorize your hair loss to understand what may be causing it. Your doctor or dermatologist may do some tests to help learn more. Keep in mind that meeting with a doctor earlier rather than later can have a positive impact on treating whatever is causing your hair loss.


How to Get Your Confidence Back

Here at LB Extensions, we provide a variety of services to help women experiencing hair loss, thinning, and excessive shedding to get back the volume they have been missing.

Extensions: We’ve talked previously about the different types of extensions you can get based on your hair type and your goals. Getting extensions doesn’t always mean you have to have long or super thick hair. Our stylists are trained to utilize “skinnier” rows to help fill in perimeter and give added density and volume.

Pro-Tip: Check out our blog on one row vs two to learn more about which approach may be best for you!

 We offer a few different extension methods at LB Extensions and will work with you to identify the right approach for you during your consultation appointment.

 Toppers: Sometimes called “half wigs” or “top piece,” toppers are custom hair pieces that sit on the top of your head and is designed to blend in with your natural hair below.

 Wigs: For some, full coverage wigs are perfect the solution for permanent or temporary hair loss. We provide full-service, custom wigs for clients that are looking for natural-looking solution to their hair loss.


Hair loss doesn’t mean you can’t have the volume you once had. Hair loss doesn’t mean you can’t rediscover your confidence to be comfortable in your own skin. Let LB Extensions help you with your hair journey. 

Contact us today to make an appoint to discuss your options. We can’t wait to meet you.




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